Answer is very simple. It’s the property of Shilajit. No matter how much you dehydrate liquid Shilajit, it never solidifies. It hardens and thickens but never solidifies. Keep it air tight, it remains the same. Expose it to moisture, it starts changing its form.

To make Shilajit solid, one has to mix some other ingredient or in maximum cases it is not Shilajit at all. Now if Shilajit never solidifies, how could it be powdered. It can only be powdered if mixed some other ingredient, commomly Ashwagandha

We at JK Herbals process and prepare Shilajit in its purest form i.e. Resin form. From raw Shilajit or Shilajit Stone to end product our focus is only Quality.

All that glitters is not gold, same is the case with Shilajit Resin. Not every tar like substance or black liquid is Shilajit. Its an irony and bitter truth that maximum Shilajit sold is actually not Shilajit at all.

Now another difficult question, how to differentiate between real Shilajit and fake one. There are many physical test one can conduct at home, but these are only for self satisfaction. Other are lab report provided by the seller, but then how could one know that the report provided is that of product received.

 Well to be honest its not an easy task but on the contrary its also not difficult. Real Shilajit is enriched with Fulvic acid and 84 essential minerals. Functions of Shilajit are in abundance and endless.

If Shilajit is real then one does not have to wait for weeks and months for results. Real Shilajit shows its results within matter of days.