Quality Shilajit Resin is all about Processing.
Finely processed Shilajit Resin will dissolve in any warm liquid without any residue giving golden colour if dissolved in water.
If Shilajit is real then it will easily pass fire test, but passing fire does not guarantee or certify purity and functionality of Shilajit.
People who are known to Shilajit are well aware that funtions of Shilajit are in abundance but only if and when Shilajit is original, genuine, pure and above all properly processed.
As it is often read and said that Shilajit takes time to show results, it could be in weeks or months. It could might be true for poorly processed Shilajit Resin but if Shilajit is finely processed then pure Shilajit Resin shows results within matter of days and in some cases one can feel the difference with very dose itself.
Shilajit a natures gift also termed as black gold because of its properties and health benefits that it offers to mankind but unlike other health supplements preparing quality Shilajit is a tough ask and without quality and purity its just a black tar.
Adultration and lack of knowledge about the whole process is vastly in practice. Easy money may also be one of the factors.
Many Players lay great emphasis on source of raw material, from processing to lab test but on ground reality they actually even dont know their vendor. Sometimes their vendor is actually a buyer. If there are vendors and sub vendors and everyone have their share of profit then quality of product is put at stake.
Another major reason for deterioration in quality is competitive market. Where many players are quality oriented others only mean business where focus is on profits and stay alive in the race. Their search is for vendors with minimal price, quality never matters to them. Compromising with quality is no big deal for them but when it comes to products that are directly related to health this isnt is a good practice.