Its really hard to differenciate between brands of Shilajit. Every shilajit looks almost the same. How to select the Pure one, the Real one, the Original one, the Effective one, among number of brands, is actually a tough ask. First take is for the one whose visibility is the most.

Normally it is read and said that Shialjit takes months to show its results. It might be true for many Health problems but if Shilajit is consumed for Sexual wellbeing, Energy, Stamina, then it is wrongly quoted. If Shilajit is Pure then results are shown within matter of days, infact one can feel the difference with very first dose itself. 

We at JK Herbals process and prepare own Shilajit Resin. Biggest advantage of preparing own product is consistency and focus is always on Quality. Shilajit is all about Quality and Purity. On the contrary the biggest disadvantage for the consumer if Shilajit is not pure is the loss of valuble time. If any health tonic is consumed without any results then one fells cheated and its not a good practice. 

Real or not these quereis has been always in the minds of consumers specially in case of Shilajit. Adultration, fake, impure or ignorant about the whole process, reason can be any.

As mentioned above Quality Shilajit is all about processing. One cannot learn driving simply watching videos, same applies on preparing Shilajit. Preparing Quality Shilajit is a time consuming process and results are directly proportionate to Purity.